Sunday 22 May 2011

Post Free

This blog - as it starts out will be largely post free,
posts belong to the Treehouse and are largely thoughts about things that occur
or this that are likely to occur.
This site is mainly a collection of specific themes, that dont fit into a more generalised format.

Actually, this is all wrong!

Posts occur on
Chronologically Yours:

good luck - don't get lost!


About Me

My photo
In this brace of blogs, I am trying to sum up the artistic goals I am aiming for. Maybe, more for myself rather than other people although I would like others to read it. I intend to use the sites as places to which I invite people, I dont expecr an immediate rash of people keen to pore over my life. I see it as a kind of glorified C.V. that will probably never get finished.